Monday, March 12, 2012

Public Speaking

Abby gave her first talk in primary yesterday. She talked about following the prophet. We decided what she would say Monday night and practiced each evening until the big day. She stood up in front of all of the children and quietly repeated what I whispered to her. She did an amazing job and I was so proud of her. I had a hard time not getting choked up while she was talking.

I love that our Church teaches young children important life skills. It's so wonderful that a three-year-old gets to practice public speaking. I know I was blessed in my later years from starting so young. A lot of my high school classmates had never talked in front of people and when they gave a presentation it was a, for lack of a better word, mess.

Our young children also learn about memorization, singing techniques, listening to authority, etc. I feel like I was better prepared to go to school and face the world because of the things I learned as a young child. I'm grateful my children will have the same teachings.


  1. What a big girl!

    I definitely love that part of the church. It has had a huge impact on my adult life.

  2. Aww, I can't believe Abby is really old enough to be giving a talk in Primary! So adorable!

  3. Hooray for Primary talks! I'm sure Abby did great!

    I thought of you when I was writing my post today. I was trying to think of names and I thought, "well I can't change my name to Deborah because I know she always gets her named spelled wrong as well."

    It's a difficult life we lead. I might change my name to Bob, it's the best suggestion I've gotten so far.


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