Thursday, February 24, 2011

40 Weeks...

Today is my due date. And to be honest, I'm not dealing with this milestone particularly well. I never reached my due date with Abby, so I've never had this experience that so many women face. We all know all along that our due date is just a predictor and holds very little meaning to when you will actually deliver your baby. And yet, it's that day we look to for months, our finish line. Then, the day comes and you realize it's all been a cruel joke. You made it to the finish line (psyche) only to find out that the race isn't really over.

I hoped to get a real finish line at my doctor's appointment yesterday, but the policies on induction are much different here than they were in Utah. I won't even have a date scheduled until I have an appointment next week.

So here I sit in limbo...wishing, waiting, hoping and praying to meet my sweet little girl--to find myself again. I'm ready to be a mother of two. I'm fairly certain I've never been more ready for anything.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Baby Shower

A few of my lovely friends threw a wonderful baby shower for me this week.

The theme was:

They decorated with cute birds, eggs and nests. It's hard to do it justice with pictures. It was so cute and creative.

The food was creatively planned and really yummy. They made deviled eggs, chicken salad sandwiches, nest cupcakes, no-bake cookies with Peeps on top, etc.

As usual, I forgot to take pictures during the party. We played two cute memory games, chatted and opened gifts. I am so grateful for the generosity from such amazing girls!

Four of the guys in Sam's dental school class attend church with us. All of the wives are pregnant right now! Here we are in order of due date. I chose the picture facing this direction because it made me look a little less enormous. At two days shy of 39 weeks, I look about ready to explode!

It was such a fun night! I am so lucky to have wonderful friends offering us so much love and support, especially since our families are so far away!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Baby Ties

I realized yesterday that I have been leaving you in serious suspense about the baby boy ties we made at our Girl's Night a few weeks ago.

I ran across the tutorial for these ties several months ago and was floored by the genius of it. You all know how I love a good repurposing project.

After some tie-tying lessons from Sam, I was ready to teach the girls. I wish I had a picture of the ties the other girls made. There were some totally cute ones!

I was busy bow-making the night of the get-together, but I couldn't resist this project and worked on it the next night.

Here's how my tie turned out:

Abby modeled it for me.

I used Abby for a test dummy and she has a pretty large noodle, so I made the neck strap pretty long to fit over her head. It will probably have to be safety pinned in the back. I sent it off to my cute nephew seeing as there are no tie-wearing little ones in this household.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

We went to a very fun Valentine's Day party on Friday. Throughout the week, Abby and I made Valentines for her friends and a box to collect her loot in. It was a lot of fun doing a crafty project with her. She used scissors for the first time and she was a pro. She decorated the cards with stickers and crayons.

This is Abby's box. In case you couldn't tell, those swirls on the side are letters. She said, "A, B, W, X, T..." as she wrote on each side.

As soon as she got to the party, she was OBSESSED with the cookies on the table. She wanted one SO bad. I forgot to take any pictures while we were there, but it was very cute watching the kids put cards and treats in each other's boxes.

Abby was very excited to find out what was inside her box.

She was overwhelmed with excitement about the candy she received. She woke up early from her nap asking for candy and has been asking for it about every 30 seconds since. I think some of it is going to start making it's way into mommy's tummy because the excitement is making her (and me) a little crazy.

This picture cracks me up. She looks like she's in pain with the NEED for candy!

Tonight will be pretty low-key as Valentine's Day has fallen in the middle of midterms week. I think we'll try for some Love Potion ice cream from Baskin Robbins.(Go try some! It's delicious!)

There are about 10.5 hours left to fulfill my desire for another holiday baby! However, Sam (and the girls planning my baby shower tomorrow) would prefer to wait.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Abby's Pillow

Abby is getting very excited about sleeping in a big girl bed. We told her about the plan early, thinking she would need to get used to the idea. That was, apparently, unnecessary because she talks about it ALL the time now. We may be making a trip to Ikea sooner than anticipated.

We were a little concerned about putting her in a bed because she tends to sleep in a different place/position every night. We decided to put a pillow in her bed to see if that would help her sleep in the right direction.

Here she is on her first night...

She wasn't on the pillow, but she was close. And yes, she does like her blankey like that. The next night or two, we found her in similar positions and decided the new pillow was too fluffy for her tiny head. So, we traded it for one of the well-loved, flatter pillows on our bed. When we went to check on her last night, she was laying on the pillow, right where Sam left her. Hooray!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

37 Weeks

First of all, Happy 100-post birthday to this blog! It's almost been a year. Time flies when you're having fun, right!?!

Anyway, this Thursday was my 37 week mark. I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. I was dilated 1 centimeter and was 80% effaced, so we are making some progress. I was further along at this point with Abby, but that obviously didn't really mean a whole lot. I went over and registered at the hospital so we'll be all set to go when baby sister decides to make her appearance.

On the way to our appointment, I told Sam that if I wasn't at all dilated then she must be breach. This little lady REALLY loves to hang out in my pelvis. The up side is that I haven't really experienced any rib pain which I had a ton of with Abby. The down side is that her movements often make me feel nauseated and there's a good chance she'll have a wicked conehead.

Here is the 37 week picture:

I decided I should have taken the picture before I took a nap, but who am I kidding, huge is huge!
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